1 LHFA | 1st Light Horse Brigade Field Ambulance |
1 NZGH | No1 NZ General Hospital - Brockenhurst, Hampshire, England. |
1/1 East Lancs FA | 1/1 East Lancashire Field Ambulance |
1/2 WRFA | 1/2 Western Riding Field Ambulance |
15th General Hospital | Alexandria, Cairo |
17th General Hospital | Alexandria, Cairo |
19th General Hospital | Alexandria, Cairo |
1AAH | 1st Australian Auxiliary Hospital, Luna Park, Cairo |
1AGH | 1st Australian General Hospital |
1NZEF | Name change of the NZ Expeditionary Force when World War Two broke out |
1st Australian Auxiliary Hospital | Luna Park, Cairo |
1st Australian General Hospital | Heliopolis Palace, Cairo |
2 Lt | Second Lieutenant |
2 NZGH | No 2 NZ General Hospital - Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, England. |
2/1 East Lancs FA | 2/1 East Lancashire Field Ambulance |
2/2 WFRA | 2/2 Western Riding Field Ambulance |
22nd Corps MVD | 22nd Corps Mobile Veterinary Division |
22nd Corps R/Camp | 22nd [XXII] Corps Reinforcement Camp, Abeele |
2AGH | 2nd Australian General Hospital |
2nd ANZAC MVD | 2nd ANZAC Mobile Veterinary Division |
2nd Australian General Hospital | Gezirah Palace, Cairo |
2nd Corp | 2nd Corporal |
2nd Lieut | 2nd Lieutenant |
2nd NZ Stat Hosp | Brockenhurst, Hampshire - known as 1st NZ General Hospital after May 1916 |
3 NZGH | No 3 NZ General Hospital - Codford St Mary, Wiltshire, England |
4B | Is actually FP (Field Punishment) but looks like 4B or 4P |
A [Classified] | Fit for active service |
A [Disabled officer or nurse] | Fit for general service |
A Group | Group classification awaiting a ship home |
A/ | Acting |
A/Cpl | Acting Corporal |
A/H | Admitted hospital |
A/Sgt | Acting Sergeant |
A1 [Classified] | Fit for active service |
AANS | Australian Auxiliary Nursing Service |
AB | Auckland Battalion |
Abbasich | Canadian Stationary Hospital, Alexandria |
Abbassia | Hospital, Cairo. See EGYPTIAN HOSPITALS. PRESS, VOLUME LI, ISSUE 15344, 30 JULY 1915 |
Abeele | 22nd [XXII] Corps Reinforcement Camp, Abeele |
Aboukir | Rest home for nursing staff, Port Said, Egypt |
abs/w/l | Absent without leave |
Adj | Adjutant |
Adm | Admitted |
ADMS | Assistant Director of Medical Services |
ADS | Advanced Dressing Station |
Adv Base | Advanced Base |
AEC | Area Employment Company |
AGH | Australian General Hospital |
AI | Auckland Infantry |
AIB | Auckland Infantry Battalion |
AIF | Australian Imperial Force |
AklReg | Auckland Regiment |
Alder Hay | Liverpool Orthopoedic Centre, Liverpool |
Aldershot | Hampshire - a garrison town |
ALH | Australian Light Horse |
Amm Park | Ammunition Park |
Amn Coln | Ammunition Column |
AMR | Auckland Mounted Rifles |
ANS | Army Nursing Service |
ANZAC | Australian and New Zealand Army Corps |
ANZAC (Place) | ANZAC Cove, Gallipoli Peninsula |
ANZAC Prov C | ANZAC Provost Corps (based Southampton Row, London ?) |
AOC | Army Ordnance Corps |
AOR | At Own Request |
Aotea | Aotea Convalescent Home, Heliopolis, Egpyt |
APC | ANZAC Provost Corps (based Southampton Row, London ?) |
APC | Army Pay Corps |
APC GMP | ANZAC Provost Corps Garrison Military Police |
APD | Auckland Provincial Detachment [at Sling Camp awaiting a ship home] |
APM | Assistant Provost Marshall [London ?] |
APMC | Almeric Paget Massage Corps |
APMMC | Almeric Paget Military Massage Corps |
App | Appointed |
Apptd | Appointed |
APR | Awaiting Passage Return |
APS | Army Postal Service |
AQMG | Assistant Quarter Master General |
AR | Auckland Regiment |
Ar Ser Corps | Army Service Corps |
ARRC | Associate Royal Red Cross |
Artificer | a skilled mechanic in the armed forces |
AS | Active Service |
AS Corps | Army Service Corps |
ASC | Army Sanitary Committee |
ASC | Army Service Corps |
ASC (MT) | Army Service Corps (Motor Transport) |
ASH | Australian Stationary Hospital |
AT | Ambulance Transport |
Att S | Attached strength |
Attchd | Attached |
Attd | Attached |
Auck | Auckland |
Aus Tun Co | Australian Tunnelling Company |
Aus Tun Coy | Australian Tunnelling Company |
Avondale | Camp at Avondale Racecourse, Auckland - original base for Maori Battalion in October 1914 |
Awapuni | Camp at Awapuni Racecourse, Palmerston North - base for NZ Medical Corps and others |
AWL | Absent with leave |
AWOL | Absent without leave |
B [Classified] | Fit for service in a garrison or labour unit abroad |
B [Disabled officer] | Fit for service in a garrison or labour unit abroad |
B Group | Group classification awaiting a ship home |
B1 [Classified] | Able to be made fit by medical treatment |
BAC | Brigade Ammunition Column |
Barton | Barton-on-Sea Convalescent Hospital, Hampshire |
Barton on Sea | Barton-on-Sea Convalescent Hospital, Hampshire |
Batt | Battalion |
BCOF | British Commonwealth Occupation Force |
BDE | Brigade |
Bde Transport | Brigade Transport |
Bdr | Bombardier |
Belton Park | NZ Machine Gun Corps training camp at Grantham, Lincolnshire, England |
B'Hurst | Brockenhurst (1st NZ General Hospital) |
Bletchley | Buckinghamshire - Royal Engineers signal depot, later a wireless depot |
BM | Brigade Major |
Bn | Battalion |
BOD | Base Ordnance Department |
Boscombe | NZ Engineers, Tunnellers and Pioneer Camp, between Christchurch and Boscombe, Dorset |
BOW | Base Ordnance Workshop |
BQMS | Battery Quarter Master Sergeant |
BRC | British Red Cross |
BRCH | British Red Cross Hospital |
BRD | Base Reception Depot |
Brightlinsea | NZ Engineers Training Depot, Brightlinsea, Essx |
Brighton | NZ Officers and Nurses Convalescent Homes |
Brockenhurst | Known as NZ No 2 Stationary Hospital before May 1916 |
Brockenhurst | No 1 NZ General Hospital, Brockenhurst, Hampshire, England |
Brocton | NZ Rifle Brigade Reserves Camp, Brocton, Cannock Chase, Staffordshire |
Btn | Battalion |
Bty | Battery |
Bulford | Bulford, Wiltshire, England - site of Sling Camp |
BW | Bullet wound |
C [Disabled officer or nurse] | Fit for home service - (i) active duty with troops |
C [Disabled officer or nurse] | Fit for home service - (ii) sedentary employment only |
C of E | Court of Enquiry |
C/C | Is actually L/C Lance Corporal but looks like C/C |
C1 [Classified] | Likely to become fit for service overseas after special training |
C1 Camp [New Zealand] | C1 - Likely to become fit for service overseas after special training |
C2 [Classified] | Permanently unfit for active service but fit for service in New Zealand |
Can CCS | Canadian Casualty Clearing Station |
Can GH | Canadian General Hospital |
Can Stat Hosp | Canadian Stationary Hospital |
Cannock Chase | NZ Rifle Brigade Reserves Camp, Brocton, Cannock Chase, Staffordshire |
CantReg | Canterbury Regiment |
Canty | Canterbury |
Capt | Captain |
Cas | Casualty |
Cashmere Military Sanatorium, Christchurch | New Zealand Military Hospitals and Convalescent Homes |
CB | Confined to Barracks |
CB | Order of the Bath - Companion |
CBE | Order of the British Empire |
CCS | Casualty Clearing Station |
CD | Convalescent Depot |
Chadderton | NZ Field Artillery Reserve Depot, Chadderton, Oldham, Lancashire |
Chickerell | ANZAC Depot, Chickerell, Weymouth until NZ Depot opened at Hornchurch in April 1918 |
Christchurch | NZ Engineers, Tunnellers and Pioneer Camp, Christchurch, Dorset |
Christchurch Hospital Chalmers Ward | New Zealand Military Hospitals and Convalescent Homes |
CI | Canterbury Infantry |
CIB | Canterbury Infantry Battallion |
CIF Contact | Contagious infection ?? |
Citadel Hospital, Cairo | Moquattam Hills, Cairo. See EGYPTIAN HOSPITALS. PRESS, VOLUME LI, ISSUE 15344, 30 JULY 1915 |
Classified A [Disabled officer or nurse] | Fit for general service |
Classified A1 | Fit for active service |
Classified B [Disabled officer] | Fit for service in a garrison or labour unit abroad |
Classified B1 | Able to be made fit by medical treatment |
Classified C [Disabled officer or nurse] | Fit for home service - (i) active duty with troops |
Classified C [Disabled officer or nurse] | Fit for home service - (ii) sedentary employment only |
Classified C1 | Likely to become fit for service overseas after special training |
Classified C2 | Permanently unfit for active service but fit for service in New Zealand |
Classified D | Permanently unfit |
Classified D [Disabled officer or nurse] | For admission to a command depot |
Classified E [Disabled officer] | Requiring indoor hospital treatment - (i) in an officers military of auxiliary convalescent hospital |
Classified E [Disabled officer] | Requiring indoor hospital treatment - (ii) in an officers hospital |
Classified F [Disabled officer or nurse] | Permanently unfit for any further military service |
CMG | Order of St Michael & St George - Companion |
CMR | Canterbury Mounted Rifles |
CO | Commanding Officer |
Co | Company |
Codf | Codford Camp, Wiltshire, England |
Codford | 3rd NZ General Hospital also Convalescent Hospital |
Codford | NZEF Camp, Codford, Wiltshire, England |
COE | Church of England |
COE | Court of Enquiry |
Coln | Column |
Com Dep | NZ Command Depot, Codford |
Command Depot | NZ Command Depot, Codford |
Comp Btn | Composite Battalion |
Comp Coy | Composite Company |
Con Dep | Convalescent Depot |
Conduct to the prej of gd ord & mil disc | Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military disciplne |
Conv Dep | Convalescent Depot, Hornchurch |
Conv Hosp | Codford - No 3 NZ General Hospital Convalescent |
Conv Hosp | Hornchurch - NZ Convalescent Hospital |
Corps | A group of divisions |
Coy | Company |
Coy QMS | Company Quarter Master Sergeant |
Coy SM | Company Sergeant Major |
CPD | Canterbury Provincial Depot (at Sling Camp awaiting a ship home) |
CPDI | Chronic Pulmonary Disease Indeterminate |
Cpl | Corporal |
CPT | Chronic pulmonary tuberculosis |
CQMS | Company Quarter Master Sergeant |
CRE | Commander Royal Engineers |
Cse | Course |
CSM | Company Sergeant Major |
CTBA | Ceases to be attached |
CWGC | Commonwealth War Graves Commission |
Cyclists | New Zealand Cyclists Battalion |
D [Classified] | Permanently unfit |
D [Disabled officer or nurse] | For admission to a command depot |
DAC | Divisional Ammunition Column |
DADMS | Deputy Assistant Director Medical Services |
DAH [on Medical Reports] | Disordered action of the heart |
Dang ill | On dangerously ill list |
DAPM | Deputy Assistant Provost Marshal |
DAS | Died at sea |
DB | Detention Barracks |
DCM | Distinguished Conduct Medal |
DCM | District Courth Martial |
DDS | Defence Dental Service |
Deaconess Hospital | Sisters of Mercy Hospitals - Cairo and also Alexandria, Greece |
DEC | Divisional Employment Company |
Demob | Demobilization |
Dent Corps | Dental Corps |
Dep of L/stripe | Deprivation of Lance stripe |
Detach | Detachment |
Devonport | Devonport, Devon, England |
DHQ | Divisional Headquarters |
DI [Medical Term] | Dangerously ill [Placed on DI List] |
Disch | Discharged |
Dischdg | Discharged |
Div | Division |
Div Cav | Divisional Cavalry |
Div Sig | Divisional Signals |
DMC | Desert Mounted Corps [DMC Camp, Port Said] |
DMS | Director of Medical Services |
DOD | Died of disease |
DOI | Died of illness |
DOW | Died of wounds |
DOW | Duration of War |
DP Services | Deserters |
DRS | Divisional Rest Station |
DSO | Distinguished Service Order |
Dtls | Details |
Dunedin | New Zealand Military Hospitals and Convalescent Homes |
Dvr | Driver |
E | Engineers |
E [Disabled officer] | Requiring indoor hospital treatment - (i) in an officers military of auxiliary convalescent hospital |
E [Disabled officer] | Requiring indoor hospital treatment - (ii) in an officers hospital |
E/D Pay | Extra Duty Pay |
Ech | Echelon |
ED | Efficiency Decoration |
EEF | Egyptian Expeditionary Force |
EFT | Engineer - Field Troop |
EGH | Egyptian General Hospital |
El Moascar | NZEF Camp near Ismailia |
Emb | Embarked |
Embn | Embarkation |
Emp Coy | Employment Company |
Engr | Engineer |
Ent Bn | Entrenching Batallion |
Entg Bn | Entrenching Batallion |
ERS | Education and Rehabilitation Services |
Etaples | NZ Reinforcement camp, Etaples, France |
ETC | NZ Engineers Tunnelling Corps |
Ewshot | NZ Field Artillery Camp, Ewshot, Hampshire (Sometimes spelt Eweshot). Also Medical Corps training |
F [Disabled officer or nurse] | Permanently unfit for any further military service |
FA | Field Ambulance |
FAB | Field Artillery Battalion |
Far Sergt | Farrier Sergeant |
Far Sgt | Farrier Sergeant |
Fd Amb | Field Ambulance |
Fd Co | Field Company |
Fd Coy | Field Company |
Fd Wksps | Field Workshops |
Featherston | Featherston Camp, Wairarapa, New Zealand - also hospital |
Feby | February (looks like July) |
FGCM | Field General Court Martial |
Fld | Field |
Forest Park | 1st NZ General Hospital, Brockenhurst |
FP | Is actually HP for hospital |
FP1 | Field Punishment No. 1 |
FP2 | Field Punishment No. 2 |
FPC | Field Punishment Compound |
Fr | France |
FSS | Field Security Section/Service |
Fston | Featherston Camp, Wairarapa, New Zealand - also hospital |
GBD | General Base Depot |
GCM | General Court Martial |
Gen Hosp | General Hospital |
Gezirah | Anglo American Hospital, Cairo. See EGYPTIAN HOSPITALS. PRESS, VOLUME LI, ISSUE 15344, 30 JULY 1915 |
Gezirah | Regina Palace also known as Gezirah Palace Hospital, Cairo - 2nd Australian General Hospital |
GH | General Hospital |
Ghajn Tuffieha | Convalescent Camp, Malta |
Ghezirah [Gezirah] | 2nd Australian General Hopital, Egypt |
Ghizel | Red Cross Hospital, Cairo |
GMP | Garrison Military Police |
Gnr | Gunner |
GOC | General Officer Commanding |
Grantham | NZ Machine Gun Corps Depot, Lincolnshire, England |
GRC | Graves Registration Commission - Later Imperial then Commonwealth War Graves Commission |
Grey Towers | New Zealand Convalescent Hospital - Hornchurch, Essex |
GRU | Graves Registration Unit - Later Imperial then Commonwealth War Graves Commission |
GSO | General Staff Officer |
GSW | Gunshot Wound |
GSW RWU | Gunshot wound - remaining with unit |
H'Church | Hornchurch (NZ Convalescent Hospital) |
Heliopolis | Heliopolis Palace - 1st Australian General Hospital, Egypt |
Heliopolis | Aotea Convalescent Home, Heliopolis, Egpyt |
Helouan | Convalescent Hospital, Egypt |
Hitchin | NZ Signallers Reserve Depot, Hitchin near Stevenage, Hertfordshire, England |
HMNZHS | His Majesty's NZ Hospital Ship |
HMNZTS | His Majesty's NZ Troopship |
Hornchurch | Established 1916 as NZ General Depot, later NZEF Convalescent Hospital |
Hornchurch | NZEF Convalescent Hospital, Hornchurch, Essex |
Hosp | Hospital |
Hospital - Auckland Hospital Annexe | New Zealand Military Hospitals and Convalescent Homes |
Hospital - Featherston Camp | New Zealand Military Hospitals and Convalescent Homes |
Hospital - Narrow Neck Military | New Zealand Military Hospitals and Convalescent Homes |
Hospital - Queen Mary's , Hanmer Springs | New Zealand Military Hospitals and Convalescent Homes |
Hospital - Trentham Camp | New Zealand Military Hospitals and Convalescent Homes |
Queen Mary's Hospital, Hanmer Springs | New Zealand Military Hospitals and Convalescent Homes |
HQ | Headquarters |
HS | Hospital Ship |
ICC | Imperial Camel Corps |
ICT [Medical Term] | Inflammation connecting tissue |
IDK [Medical Term] | Internal derangement of the knee |
IHL | Imprisonment with Hard Labour |
Imperial | Imperial or British Army |
Inf | Infantry |
Inf Bde Hqrs | Infantry Brigade Headquarters |
Instr | Instructor |
Instrn | Instruction |
Ismailia | NZ Base Camp, Egypt - major rail junction |
Isol Hosp | Isolation Hospital |
IWGC | Imperial War Graves Commission (later Commonwealth War Graves Commission) |
Jnd | Joined |
Kasr El Aini Hospital | Cairo West. See EGYPTIAN HOSPITALS. PRESS, VOLUME LI, ISSUE 15344, 30 JULY 1915 |
KCB | Order of the Bath - Knight Companion |
KCMG | Order of St Michael & St George - Knight Companion |
KHDS | King's Honorary Dental Surgeon |
KIA | Killed in Action |
King George V Hospital, Rotorua | New Zealand Military Hospitals and Convalescent Homes |
L/Bdr | Lance Bombardier |
L/Corp | Lance Corporal |
L/Sgt | Lance Sergeant |
Lady Godley's | Convalescent Hospital, Egypt |
Larkhill | NZEF Camp, Larkhill, Wiltshire |
LDS | Member of Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints (Mormon Church) |
Left for canal | Suez Canal |
LFO | Leave with pay until further orders on Demob. |
LGS | Lewis Gun School |
LH | Light Horse Brigade (Australian) |
LH Bde | Light Horse Brigade (Australian) |
LHFA | Light Horse Brigade Field Ambulance |
Lieut | Lieutenant |
London | NZEF Headquarters |
Lowry Bay Convalecent Home, Wellington | New Zealand Military Hospitals and Convalescent Homes |
LROS | Light Railways Operating Section |
LRTC | Light Railway Train Crew (21st Engineers) |
Lt | Lieutenant |
Lt-Col | Lieutenant Colonel |
LTMB | Light Trench Mortar Brigade |
Luna Park | 1st Australian Auxiliary Hospital, Luna Park, Cairo |
LWOP | Leave without pay |
LWP | Leave with pay |
LWPUFO | Leave with pay until further orders on Demob. |
M & HTM | Medium and Heavy Trench Mortar [Brigade] |
M I Hospital | Military Infectious Hospital |
M/I | Marched In |
M/in | Marched In |
M/O | Marched Out |
M/out | Marched Out |
M/U | Medically Unfit |
Main Body | First detachment of New Zealand Expeditionary Force - left NZ October 1914 |
Maj | Major |
Manor Hospital, Epsom | Epsom, Surrey - from 1916 becane Manor War Hospital |
Manor War Hospital, Epsom | Epsom, Surrey |
Maoris | New Zealand Maori (Pioneer) Battalion |
May Morn | A tent camp near Trentham, Upper Hutt, Wellington |
MB | Medical Board |
MBE | Order of the British Empire - Member |
MBH | Mounted Brigade Headquarters |
MC | Medical Corps |
MC | Military Cross (Medal) |
MDFA | Mounted Division Field Ambulance |
MDS | Main Dressing Station |
Med/B | Medical Board |
MEF | Mediterranean Expeditionary Force |
Meth | Methodist |
MFA | Mounted Field Ambulance |
MG | Machine Gun |
MGC | Machine Gun Corps |
MGS | Machine Gun Squadron |
MID | Mentioned in Despatches |
Missing | Missing in action |
MM | Military Medal |
MO | Medical Officer |
Moascar | NZ Mounted Rifles Brigade Camp originally NZEF Camp (1916), Egypt |
Moascar | NZ Mounted Rifles Training Units and Depot, Moascar |
Moascar | NZEF Camp near Ismailia |
Monte Video | ANZAC Depot, Chickerell, Weymouth until NZ Depot opened at Hornchurch in April 1916 |
Montevideo | ANZAC Depot, Chickerell, Weymouth until NZ Depot opened at Hornchurch in April 1916 |
Mormon | Member of Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints (LDS) |
Mount Felix | NZEF Hospital, near 2nd General Hospital, Walton on Thames |
MP | Miltary Police |
MRBde | Mounted Rifle Brigade |
MSM | Meritorious Service Medal |
Mt Felix | NZEF Hospital, near 2nd General Hospital, Walton on Thames |
Mtd | Mounted |
MTD | NZ Mechanical Transport Depot, Oatland Park, Weybridge |
MtdBdeHqrs | Mounted Brigade Headquarters |
Mudros | Harbour on Lemnos Island - site of hospitals and jump off point for Gallipoli |
Mudros, Armistice | Armistice of Mudros was signed 30 October 1918 ending hostilities in the Middle East theatre |
Mutt and Jeff | British War Medal and Victory Medal respectively |
MVD | Mobile Veterinary Division |
MVS | Mobile Veterinary Section |
Narrow Neck | Narrow Neck Camp, Takapuna, Auckland - Maori Battalion Camp, later a reinforcement camp and hospital |
NCO | Non-Commissioned Officer |
NMR | National Military Reserve |
NYD | Not Yet Diagnosed |
NYDN | Not Yet Diagnosed |
NZ Base Post Office | at Regents Park, London |
NZ Comm Dep | New Zealand Command Depot, Codford |
NZ Con Dep | New Zealand Convalescent Depot, Hornchurch |
NZ Div Train | New Zealand Divisional Train |
NZ Divisional Dump | Logistics for all supplies needed |
NZ Emb Camp | New Zealand Embarkation Camp |
NZ Fd Amb | NZ Field Ambulance |
NZ General Hospital | NZ General Hospital, Pont de Koubbeh, Cairo |
NZ Lt RW Op Sect | NZ Light Railways Operation Section |
NZ Military Hospital | Walton on Thames - became 2nd NZ General Hospital in July 1916 |
NZ Rec Dep | New Zealand Reception Depot |
NZ Rein Fld Amb | New Zealand Reinforcements Field Ambulance |
NZ War Contingent Hospital | Walton on Thames opened in August 1915 - became 2nd NZ General Hospital in July 1916 |
NZA | New Zealand Artillery |
NZANS | New Zealand Army Nursing Service |
NZAOC | New Zealand Army Ordnance Corps |
NZAPC | New Zealand Army Pay Corps |
NZASC | New Zealand Army Service Corps |
NZASC (MT) | New Zealand Army Service Corps (Motor Transport) |
NZCB | New Zealand Cyclist Battalion |
NZCC | New Zealand Camel Corps |
NZCC | New Zealand Corp of Cyclists |
NZCC | New Zealand Cyclist Corps |
NZCC | NZ Convalescent Camp (Grey Towers, Hornchurch) |
NZCD | New Zealand Chaplains Department |
NZCICC | New Zealand Company Imperial Camel Corps |
NZDC | New Zealand Dental Corps |
NZDRS | Divisional Rest Station |
NZE | New Zealand Engineers |
NZE (ROC) | NZ Engineers (Railway Operation Section) |
NZEB | New Zealand Entrenching Battalion |
NZEF | New Zealand Expeditionary Force |
NZETC | New Zealand Engineers Tunnelling Corps |
NZETCo | New Zealand Engineers Tunnelling Corps |
NZFA | New Zealand Field Artillery |
NZGH | New Zealand General Hospital |
NZGRU | New Zealand Graves Registration Unit |
NZHS | New Zealand Hospital Ship |
NZI & GBD | New Zealand Infantry and General Base Depot, Etaples, France |
NZInf | New Zealand Infantry |
NZLRO Section | NZ Light Railways Operation Section |
NZLTMB | New Zealand Light Trench Mortar Battery |
NZMB | New Zealand Maori (Pioneer) Battalion |
NZMC | New Zealand Medical Corps |
NZMDF | New Zealand Mounted Division Field Ambulance |
NZMF | New Zealand Military Forces |
NZMFA | New Zealand Mounted Field Ambulance |
NZMGC | New Zealand Machine Gun Corps |
NZMR | New Zealand Mounted Rifles |
NZMR Trg Units | New Zealand Mounted Rifle Training Units |
NZMRNCos | New Zealand Mounted Rifle NCOs [Non commissioned officers] |
NZMTD | NZ Mechanical Transport Depot, Oatland Park, Weybridge |
NZMVS | NZ Mobile Veterinary Section |
NZOC | New Zealand Ordance Corps |
NZPB | New Zealand Pioneer Battalion |
NZPC | New Zealand Pay Corps |
NZPC | New Zealand Provost Corps |
NZPS | New Zealand Permanent Staff |
NZPS | New Zealand Postal Service |
NZPWRU | New Zealand Prisoner of War Repatriation Unit |
NZRB | New Zealand Rifle Brigade |
NZRD | New Zealand Reinforcement Depot |
NZSC | New Zealand Signal Corps |
NZSC | New Zealand Staff Corps |
NZSH | New Zealand Stationary Hospital |
NZST | New Zealand Signalling Troop |
NZTC | New Zealand Tunnelling Company |
NZTES | New Zealand Temporary Employment Section |
NZTU | New Zealand Training Unit |
NZVC | New Zealand Veterinary Corps |
NZWT | New Zealand Wireless Troop |
O/R Sergeant | Orderley Room Sergeant |
OAS | On active service |
Oatlands Park | NZEF Hospital, near 2nd General Hospital, Walton on Thames (now Oatlands Park Hotel) |
OB | Otago Brigade |
OBE | Order of the British Empire - Officer |
OC | Officer Commanding |
OCTU | Officer Cadet Training Unit |
OI | Otago Infantry |
OIB | Otago Infantry Brigade |
Oldham | NZ Field Artillery Reserve Depot, Chadderton, Oldham, Lancashire |
OMR | Otago Mounted Rifles |
OPD | Otago Provincial Detachment (at Sling Camp awaiting a ship home) |
Orchitis | Sexually transmitted infection |
OtagoReg | Otago Regiment |
OTC | Officer Training Corps |
P de K | NZ General Hospital, Pont de Koubbeh, Cairo - later 2nd NZ Stationary Hospital |
P/U | Permanently or Physically Unfit |
Papawai | A tent camp near Featherston, Wairarapa |
PB [as in classified unfit] | Permanent Base |
Perham | Quarantine Camp, Perham Down, Wiltshire |
Phthisis | Pulmonary tuberculosis |
PI & BF Class | Physical Instruction & Bayonet Fighting Class |
Pioneer | New Zealand Maori (Pioneer) Battalion |
Pip, Squeak and Wilfred | The 1914 Star or 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal respectively |
Pnt de K | NZ General Hospital, Pont de Koubbeh, Cairo - later 2nd NZ Stationary Hospital |
Pont de Koubbeh | NZ General Hospital, Pont de Koubbeh, Cairo - later 2nd NZ Stationary Hospital |
Pont de Kubb | NZ General Hospital, Pont de Koubbeh, Cairo - later 2nd NZ Stationary Hospital |
poss. of pass | (Not in) possesion of pass |
POW | Prisoner of war |
Presb | Presbyterian |
Prog fair (Medical term) | Progress fair |
PTB | Pulmonary tuberculosis |
Pte | Private |
PU | Permanently or Physically Unfit |
Pukeroa Military Sanatorium, Waipukurau | New Zealand Military Hospitals and Convalescent Homes |
PUO | Pyrexia [fever] of unknown origin |
Pvt | Private |
QAIMNS | Queen Alexandra's Imperial Nursing Service |
QAIMNSR | Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Service |
QMG | Quarter Master General |
QMS | Quarter Master Sergeant |
R/O | Reinforcements |
RA | Royal Artillery |
RAF | Royal Air Force |
Ramleh | Hospital, Alexandria, Egypt |
Rangioutu | A tent camp near Palmerston North, Manawatu |
RAP | Regimental Aid Post |
Rarotongan | Rarotongan Company |
Ras El Tin | Military Hospital, Alexandria, Egypt |
RC | Reinforcement Camp |
RC | Rest Camp |
RC | Roman Catholic |
RCM | Regimental Court Martial |
RD | Returning Draft |
RE | Royal Engineers |
Regents Park | NZ Base Post Office |
Regt | Regiment |
Reinf | Reinforcement |
Reinfs | Reinforcements |
Rej | Re-joined |
Relinq | Relinquished |
Res | Reserve |
RFC | Royal Flying Corps |
RFD | Reported for duty |
Rfm | Rifleman |
Rft | Reinforcement |
Rfts | Reinforcements |
Rgt | Regiment |
RHA | Royal Horse Artillery |
RMO | Regimental Medical Officer |
RMP | Royal Military Police |
RMT | Reserve Mechanical Transport |
RN | Royal Navy |
RNZA | Royal NZ Artillery |
RNZN | Royal New Zealand Navy |
RNZNR | Royal New Zealand Naval Reserve |
RO | Records Office, London [Southampton Row?] |
ROD | Railway Operating Division of the Royal Engineers |
ROH | Roll of Honour |
Rouen | NZEF base in France |
RQMS | Regimental Quarter Master Sergeant |
RRC | Royal Red Cross |
RSM | Regimental Sergeant Major |
RTA (In Australian files) | Returned/Return to Australia |
RTC | Reserve Training Centre (Hastings, Sussex) |
RTNZ | Returned to New Zealand |
RW | Royal Warrant |
RWU | Remaining with unit |
S/Nurse | Staff Nurse |
S/Sgt | Staff Sergeant |
SAA | Small Arms Ammunition |
Salah El Din (Saladin) | Citadel Hospital, Cairo. See EGYPTIAN HOSPITALS. PRESS, VOLUME LI, ISSUE 15344, 30 JULY 1915 |
Samoan | New Zealand Samoan Forces |
Samoan Advance | First detachment of New Zealand Expeditionary Force to Samoa - departed NZ 11 August 1914 |
Samoan Reinforcements | Reinforcements to NZ Expeditionary Force in Samoa |
SBR | Small Box Respirator |
Sec | Section |
Segregation | Isolation (for infectious disease) |
Ser ill (Medical term) | On seriously ill list |
Sgt | Sergeant |
Sgt-Major | Sergeant Major |
Sh/Sm | Shoe Smith |
Ships Hosp | Ships hospital |
Shoubra | Infectious Diseases Hospital, Shoubra near Cairo |
SI (Medical term) | Seriously ill [Placed on SI List] |
SI List (Medical term) | Seriously ill list |
Silver War Badge | also known as “The Services Rendered Badge” and the “Discharge Badge”. |
Sling | Main NZEF Camp (Bulford, Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire) |
Sling Camp | Main NZEF Camp (Bulford, Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire) |
Slingshot | Main NZEF Camp (Bulford, Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire) |
SM | Sergeant Major |
Soft sore | Chancroid - a sexually transmitted infection |
SOS | Struck off strength |
Southampton Row, London | ANZAC Provost Corps (based Southampton Row, London ?) |
Spr | Sapper |
Sqdn | Squadron |
SQMS | Squadron Quarter Master Sergeant |
Sqn | Squadron |
ss | Steam Ship |
S-Sgt | Staff Sergeant |
SSM | Squadron Sergeant Major |
Stat Hosp | Stationary Hospital |
Stevenage | NZ Signallers Reserve Depot, Hitchin near Stevenage, Hertfordshire, England |
Stg | Strength (Taken on Strength) |
Stgt | Strength (Taken on Strength) |
Sup Col | Supply Column |
Sup to estb. | Supernumerary to establishment |
SW | Shrapnel wound |
SWB | Silver War Badge |
SWRWU | Slightly wounded - remaining with unit |
T/ | Temporary |
T/Art | Temporary Artificer (Cyclists Corp) |
T/Corp | Temporary Corporal |
T/Sgt | Temporary Sergeant |
T/U | Temporarily Unfit |
Takapuna | Narrow Neck Camp, Takapuna, Auckland - Maori Battalion Camp, later a reinforcement camp and hospital |
Tauherenikau | Camp at Tauherenikau Race Course, Wairarapa - temporary subsidary camp |
TB | Tuberculosis (tubercle bacillus) |
T-Corp | Temporary Corporal |
TES (ASC) | Temporary Employment Section (Army Service Corps) |
TF | Territorial Force |
Tfd | Transferred |
Tidworth | NZ Mounted Rifles Depot, Tidworth |
Tidworth | Tidworth Military Hospital, Tidworth, Wiltshire |
Timaru | New Zealand Military Hospitals and Convalescent Homes |
TM Batt | Trench Mortar Battery |
TMB | Travelling Medical Board |
Torquay | NZEF Discharge Depot, Torquay, Devon |
TOS | Taken on strength |
Tp | Troop |
Tpr | Trooper |
Trans | Transferred |
Transfd | Transferred |
Trentham | Military base at Trentham, Upper Hutt |
Trg | Training |
Trg Co | Training Company |
Trg U & D | NZ Mounted Rifles Training Units and Depot, Moascar, Egypt |
TS | Troop Ship |
T-Sgt | Temporary Sergeant |
TU | Temporarily Unfit |
TU | Training Unit |
VAD | Voluntary Aid Detachment |
VC | Victoria Cross |
VD | Venereal Disease |
VD | Volunteer Decoration |
VD Section | Venereal Disease Section [attached 3rd NZ General Hospital, Codford] |
VD Ward | Venereal Disease Ward |
VDC | Venereal disease - Chancre |
VDG | Venereal disease - Gonorrhea |
VDH | Valvular Disease of the Heart (Medical term) |
VDS | Venereal Disease - Syphilis |
VDSC | Venereal Disease - Soft Chancre |
Ven Hosp | Venereal Disease Hospital |
Ven Section | Venereal Disease Section [attached 3rd NZ General Hospital, Codford] |
W RWU | Wounded - remaining with unit |
W.Coast | West Coast |
Waikanae | A tent camp at Waikanae on the Kapiti Coast, Wellington |
Waikato Sanitorium, Cambridge | New Zealand Military Hospitals and Convalescent Homes |
Walton | Walton on Thames (2nd NZ General Hospital) |
WEF | With effect from |
Wellington Hospital Victoria Ward | New Zealand Military Hospitals and Convalescent Homes |
Western FF | Western Field Force (Egypt) |
Weymouth | ANZAC Convalescent Depot (1915-16), Weymouth, Dorset, England [Montevideo] |
WFF | Western Field Force (Egypt) |
Wgtn | Wellington |
WI | Wellington Infantry Battalion |
WIA | Wounded in action |
WIB | Wellington Infantry Battalion |
WlgReg | Wellington Regiment |
WMR | Wellington Mounted Rifles |
WOAS | While on Active Service |
WOI | Warrant Officer - First Class |
WOII | Warrant Officer - Second Class |
WOL | Without leave |
Woodcote Park | Military Convalescent Hospital, Epsom, Surrey [in use in 1915] |
WPD | Wellington Provincial Detachment (at Sling Camp awaiting ship home) |
WT Hosp | Walton on Thames (2nd NZ General Hospital) |
XXII Corps MVD | 22nd [XXII] Corps Mobile Veterinary Division |
XXII Corps R/Camp | 22nd [XXII] Corps Reinforcement Camp, Abeele |
Zeitoun | NZEF Camp (1914-16) near Cairo |