NZ Genealogist Editor's Notes

Publication Dates and Copy Deadlines

Material submitted for possible inclusion in the magazine should be received by the Editor no later than the following dates:

Issue General Content/Feature Articles due NZSG Content due
September 2024 10 July 2024 17 July 2024
December 2024 10 October 2024 17 October 2024
March 2025 10 January 2025 17 January 2025
June 2025 10 April 2025 17 April 2025


The Society's philosophy is to accept appropriate advertising that will be placed in the magazine as a service to its members. Such advertising shall be compatible with the aims and objectives of the Society and shall be in keeping with the theme of genealogy and family history. The Editor reserves the right to reject copy that is unsuitable in text or format.

Media Kit
(Adobe PDF) 1410KB

Email Accounts  to enquire about advertising in The New Zealand Genealogist

Submitting Articles for The New Zealand Genealogist

Would you like to be featured in The New Zealand Genealogist? We are looking for well written, genealogical articles with good illustrations and/or photos. Your submissions will be welcomed and appreciated.

Writing Articles for The New Zealand Genealogist
Information on writing an article for The New Zealand Genealogist

If you would like to make a submission please email Editor.

Submissions should be provided in electronic form. Any graphics that are to be included with the article should be submitted at the same time. In the case of photographs we prefer they are sent as digital copies. Do not send originals in case of loss or damage.


  • September 2024 - Immigration
  • December 2024 - DNA
  • March 2025 - Family myths debunked

General - Articles of any subject relevant to this journal which meet the submission criteria will be considered. We especially seek how-to articles based around a source or subject which explains relevance, access and use.

Service Section

The Service Section of The New Zealand Genealogist contains sections for Contact Sought, Information Wanted, Information Offered, Reunion Notices, Trader.

Readers are invited to submit concisely worded queries to the Editor of not more than 50 words (excluding submitter's name, address and membership number). Queries should be neatly written or typed, each entry on a separate sheet of paper. Do not abbreviate your enquiry. Initial mention of surnames must be in upper case. Your full name, address and membership number must be included with each query.

This service is not available to non-members, although queries from people living overseas will be considered.

There is a NZ$5.00 charge, payable in advance.

Write to:

The Editor
The New Zealand Genealogist
PO Box 14036
Auckland 1072
New Zealand

Email: Editor



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