Members' Awards

Honouring NZSG members, or a person who has made a major contribution to the Society, is provided by the granting of Awards and Certificates. These are divided into NZSG Awards, and Branch and Interest Group Awards. The Society may grant a Certificate of Recognitiion to non-members.

NZSG Awards

  • Certificate of Appreciation
  • Service Award
  • Long Service Award
  • Merit Award
  • Life Membership
  • Past Chairperson's Award

Branch and Interest Group Awards

  • Certification of Appreciation
  • Service Award

The Process

While recommendations for honouring a member may be submitted to the NZSG Manager at any time of the year, the Board will decide which of the NZSG Branch or Interest Group awards will be awarded. NZSG Branches and Interest Groups or individual members may make a recommendation using the appropriate form.

NZSG and Branch or Interest Group Certificate of Appreciation

Purpose: This award is to show that the Society appreciates the dedication and work given by a member at Branch, Interest Group and/or national level.

Criteria: The completion of a certain task, series of tasks or projects. It may also be awarded to a member who already holds an NZSG Merit Award or NZSG Service Award.

Presentation: The certificate will be forwarded by the NZSG Manager to the Convenor or Secretary of the Branch or Interest Group for presentation at a local meeting. If the recipient does not belong to a Branch or Interest Group, the certificate will be forwarded directly to the recipient by the NZSG Manager.

NZSG Branch or NZSG Interest Group Service Award

Purpose: This award shows that the Society appreciates the sustained service and commitment of members as office bearers of NZSG Branches and NZSG Interest Groups.

Criteria: To qualify, a person must have been a member of the NZSG for no fewer than five consecutive years and have held Branch or Interest Group elected position(s) for no fewer than five full years. The award may be presented to a member who already holds a Merit Award provided the previous award was not given for service as an office bearer of the Branch or Interest Group.

Presentation: Certificate and white badge to be forwarded to the Branch or Interest Group for presentation at a local meeting.

NZSG Service Award

Purpose: This award shows that the Society appreciates the excellent service of a member at national level.

Criteria: The completion of a minimum of ten consecutive years’ membership of the Society, and has also contributed excellent service as either an Appointed Officer, or as a member of Board, for a minimum of three years.

Or: The completion of a minimum of fifteen consecutive years’ membership of the Society and has contributed excellent service to the Society at national level for a minimum of five years.

Presentation: The award is to be presented at the NZSG Annual General Meeting. If the recipient is not present, certificate, navy blue ‘service’ badge and copy of the citation is to be presented at another genealogical function or forwarded directly to the recipient by the NZSG Manager.

NZSG Long Service Award

Purpose: This award shows that the Society appreciates the service and commitment of the member over an extended period of time.

Criteria: The member has given significant service to the NZSG, and already holds an NZSG Service Award, at a national level over a period of more than twenty consecutive years, but does not qualify for a Merit Award.

This award may be presented to a member who already holds an NZSG& Merit or NZSG Service Award, provided this award is for service subsequent to that for which the Merit or Service Award was conferred.

Presentation: The award is to be presented at the NZSG Annual General Meeting. If the recipient is not present, certificate, badge and copy of the citation to be presented at another genealogical function or forwarded directly to the recipient by the NZSG Manager.

NZSG Merit Award

Purpose: This award shows the Society appreciates outstanding service to the Society.

Criteria: The service will have been given at any two or more of the following levels: (a) Branch or Interest Group; (b) Regional; (c) National over no fewer than fifteen consecutive years and usually much longer.

The service of a nominee ought to stand out above that of his or her peers, all of whom may be working hard to advance the cause of genealogy. The outstanding services may be in any, several or all of a number of areas, e.g. genealogical administration, teaching, compiling from primary sources, researching for others in a voluntary capacity. This service should have some impact beyond the member's Branch or Interest Group.

Presentation: The award is to be presented at NZSG Annual General Meeting. If the recipient is not present, certificate, red badge and copy of citation to be presented at another genealogical function or forwarded directly to the recipient by the NZSG Manager.

NZSG Life Membership

Purpose: This award shows the Society appreciates the outstanding, long term service of a member to the Society as a whole.

Criteria: The member’s service to the Society shall have promoted the growth, maintenance and/or the cause of genealogy in New Zealand.

The service to the Society will have been “all round” both at local Branch or Interest Group, plus having served as an Officer or Board member and been involved in other activities of the Society.

A candidate for Life Membership will normally become apparent through the great distinction of his or her contribution which will stand out above the service of others.

Life Membership shall be open to members who have rendered outstanding service over a consecutive period of not less than twenty years.

Presentation: The award is presented at the NZSG Annual General Meeting. If the recipient is not present, certificate, light blue badge and copy of citation to be presented at another genealogical function or to be forwarded to the recipient by the NZSG Manager.

Note: This Award is covered by the Rules - see 5.1 Membership Classes and Rule 5.1.5 Life Membership.

In addition to the NZSG members’ awards the Society may grant to non-members a Certificate of Recognition

Certificate of Recognition

Purpose: To recognise the contribution of those who are not members of the NZSG.

Criteria: For a member of the public who has made a major contribution to the NZSG at a national, regional, or local level. It may also be presented on the completion of a certain task or series of tasks or projects.

Presentation: For contribution at Branch or Interest Group level, the certificate will generally be forwarded for presentation to the recipient by the Branch or Interest Group Convenor at the local meeting. For contribution at national level, the certificate may be presented at the NZSG Annual General Meeting or be forwarded directly to the recipient by the NZSG Manager.

2024 Award Winners

See the NZSG Awards page for the 2024 award winners.



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