NZSG Records Collections

Find out more about our Collections in this video.

The NZSG holds records for our members from various sources, both historical and current.

The collections in this section contain material which has been contributed by NZSG members, for NZSG Members only.

Further information on accessing these Collections is available to logged-in members. Not a member? Join here.

Our Collections include:

NZSG Certificates
Set up as a repository for certificates found to be unrelated to members' research, this Collection has over 130,000 certificates which are indexed and freely available to members.

NZSG First Families
Contributed by NZSG members and non-members, these family record sheets cover families that immigrated to New Zealand by 1901.

This Collection allows you to make contact with others who are researching your family through an indexed collection of Pedigree Registration forms submitted by members.

Pre-1856 New Zealand Marriages
This is a database of New Zealand marriages that took place before compulsory Civil Registration in 1856.

NZSG (Griffis) Illegitimacies
This collection is a name-searchable database involving illegitimate births in New Zealand between 1877 and 1950 that were available on Public Records.

Funeral Service Sheets
An ongoing collection with contributions from members around New Zealand.

New Zealand Cemeteries
Cemetery transcriptions for approximately 1400 cemeteries nationwide made by our members. A significant proportion of this collection includes private cemeteries, Māori  Urupa and remote burial locations.

This collection includes contributions from members nationwide from sources such as national and regional newspapers, club newsletters and periodicals.

School Records
This collection is the only central point for school records in New Zealand. We have accumulated records for almost 2000 schools nationwide dating from 1858 to present time.

Kiwi Collection
The Kiwi Collection is the gateway to a vast, meticulously compiled index containing millions of records over hundreds of record sets (including many of our Collections listed above), some with images, allowing you to locate the records you need and find exactly where and how to access them.

Access to all of these collections is via an NZSG Appointed Officer. Members should refer to individual collections for the appropriate contact addresses.

When making an enquiry for information, you should provide as much relevant identifying information as possible. Remember to include your membership number. If the collection has a postal service, please include a suitably sized stamped self-addressed envelope with your enquiry.

Conditions of Use

You are reminded that information from the NZSG Records Collections are available to NZSG members only, without charge.  Access to the collections is a major benefit of NZSG membership. Members receive this information on the understanding that it is to be used for their personal research only. You should not pass it on to non-members, or make access to the collections available to non-members.



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