NZSG Interest Group - Maori

Maori Interest Group


Family Research Centre
FRC, 157 Queens Road
Auckland 1072


Lorraine Rice, Secretary
16 Parry Road
Mt Wellington
Auckland 1062

Phone: 09 276 8426

Convenor: Trevor Mosely
(Contact details as above).

Further details can be found on the Māori Interest Group Website.

He Tangata Whenua Whakapapa Roopu

He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata, he tangata, he tangata
What is the most important thing in the world? 'Tis people, 'tis people, 'tis people.

Maori Interest Group Brochure
(Adobe PDF) 1.4MB

When corresponding with officers of the MIG you must always quote your NZSG membership number and include a large Stamped Self-Addressed Envelope [SSAE] with your snail-mail if a reply is anticipated.

MIG has started using a QR (Quick Response) code which is an application for smartphone users. QR codes can be encrypted with photos, docs, PDFs etc

Four Newsletters are published each year. The Editor of the newsletters is Mr Bruce Mathers, who can be contacted through the Group Secretary above. Members can read the current Māori Interest Group newsletter by clicking Te Reo.


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