Library Purchasing Suggestions


While the FRC is seeking ways to increase its income, we are not in a position to purchase new items, as much as we would like to. However, we are still happy to accept donations of appropriate items which we do not have in the library, or for on-sale to raise funds. 

Members Suggestions for Purchasing

This is your library, so we would like to hear from you on what you would like to see in the collection.

Step 1. To ensure any item is not already in the library we would request that, before submitting a 'Suggestion for Purchasing' form, members check the Library Catalogue.

Step 2. Having made sure the item is not already in the NZSG library, members who wish to make a suggestion for purchasing should download the Suggestions for Purchasing form, complete it and return it to the Library Supervisor.

It can either be:

  • returned as an email attachment to:; or
  • mailed to: Library Supervisor, PO Box 14036, Panmure, Auckland 1741; or
  • faxed to: (09) 570 4238

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