
NZSG Certificates Collection

01 Feb 2023

We are thrilled to announce a new service for NZSG members.

Effective from 1 February 2023, following advice from the Registrar-General of Births, Deaths and Marriages, our NZSG Certificates Collection will be available via email request, in addition to our postal service. Please complete the form on the Certificates Collection page to request up to six certificates or six surname printouts.

Your Certificate Request will be answered within 24 hours with a PDF copy of the relevant certificates or documents. Alternately, you can request an Individual Search or Surname Printout which will provide you with a PDF printout of the surnames you have requested. You can then request the certificates relevant to your research from that printout.

Certificates are still available via mail from Francie Smith and submissions should still be sent to June Stratford. Our two Certificates Appointed Officers have and continue to offer an amazing service to our members. You can find details of how to contact them on our website.

We go live on 1 February 2023. Please be patient if we are overwhelmed to begin with but be assured you will receive a prompt reply.

There is a partial index to the NZSG Certificates Collection on the Kiwi Collection which can instantly help you find the records you require. You can find further information about the NZSG Certificates Collection on our website.

A big thank you to the Collections Focus Group who have made this possible!


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